A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Download the file to play.
Windows: Use .exe file
Mac: Use MACOSX folder

You are a cube traversing a difficult environment solving puzzles and overcoming challenges. Your cube has many powers to achieve these goals:

- Take the form of many of the objects you find
- This allows you to perform certain tasks your cube shape cannot, such as roll or poke things

- Shatter into many pieces
- This allows you to teleport short distances, reforming at your destination

- Push other physics objects
- Telekinesis

Mira: Coder; teleport, movement & camera
Max: Project Manager, 3D Artist, Level Designer
Brendan: Coder; Disguise, Object Targeting, Music
Alex: Coder; telekinesis, Scene creator and designer 
Bryan: Concept Artist


Odd Cube 202 MB

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