A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Download the file to play.
Windows: Use .exe file
Mac: Use MACOSX folder

Spookermarket is a one-player game featuring a character in an apocalyptic world who needs to send a message out to other survivors via radio. However, the supermarket that stores the radio she needs has been infested with monsters called Colorwraiths, capable of killing humans in mere seconds. These Colorwraiths will chase humans as soon as they are seen, and can merge with other nearby Colorwraiths to take on a more powerful form. As soon as a Colorwraith catches up with her, there’s no hope for her to survive. Their only weaknesses are merging too much, causing an explosion of color that destroys the host Colorwraith, and their poor sense of hearing, making them mistake the sound of falling bricks with that of human footsteps. This apocalyptic survivor must make her way through the supermarket, use the radio in the supermarket’s media room, and escape out the way she came before the Colorwraiths can get her.

Annabel Prodnuk - Artist - Map layout and design, art & sound assets, full screen displays
Mira Pianta - Coder - enemy behavior with player and environment, sound implementation in code
Xilin Xu - Coder - player behavior, lighting, scene management
Yuan Su - Coder - item behavior and interaction with player, game narrative


Spookermarket 39 MB

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